岡野 眞(おかの まこと)

2004年-2010年 香川大学工学部教授
1978年 オカノプランニング アソシエーツ代表、OPAビジネスコミュニケーション研究所所長
1978年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科工学研究科建築学専攻博士課程修了
1974年 筑波大学創設室勤務
1973年 米国コーネル大学大学院修士課程修了
1968年 丹下健三・都市建築設計研究所勤務
1968年 東京大学工学部建築学科卒業
1946年 神奈川県生まれ


【About the author】
 MAKOTO OKANO was born in 1946 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from the architecture department of Tokyo University in 1968, he worked under the prominent architect Kenzo Tange and URTEC. In 1972, OKANO entered Cornell University where he obtained a master degree in architecture. Upon his return to Japan in 1974, he became an architect of the founding office for Tsukuba University, planning and designing the campus, and particularly the student center and housing complex. In 1978, he received a doctorate degree in architecture from Tokyo University and established an architectural office while working as a part-time lecturer at several universities. Representative architectural works include the Sasebo Art Museum in Nagasaki (1983), Omama Archive Center in Gunma (1997) and Toya Memorial Art Garden in Hokkaido (2001). In the field of urban design, OKANO produced the Plan and Design for the Central Area of Shibuya District, Tokyo (1988). Many of his publications include Architectural Detail and Design of the Expanded Museum (2002) and Frank Lloyd Wright's Architectural Heritage (2010). His translations include the Japanese edition (1979) of Without Rhetoric-An Architectural Aesthetic by Alison & Peter Smithson. In 2004, OKANO became a professor of architecture at Kagawa University, where he devoted himself to research and teaching. Having retired from Kagawa University in 2010, OKANO continues his research on the spatial system in Japan, while working as a producer architect.


『Frank Lloyd Wright’s Architectural Heritage』ふくろう出版、2010



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